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locked unlocked constrained free move upward move downward move top move bottom properties effects edit HTML set hyperlink

add previous next shift backward shift forward delete preview

Draw/layout settings
font line width line color fill color gradient background color page size

bold italic underline text size decrease text size increase outdent indent justify left justify center justify right

text box picture oval rectangle line table bullet list transition sound page delay voice recording image from memory


Font face
Choose the font face from a list of fonts available on your system. The font is previewed in the drop-down combo box.
Font size
Set the font size. With the text selected the size change is immediate, giving you visual feedback. An alternative is to use the shortcut key combination: Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow and Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow.


All dialogs

All popups

The basics Tips and Tricks Samples Tutorials The animation file format
Thanks to Powerbullet Forum Support members Flo (tutorials) and MarkB (XP screenshots)


File Edit View Insert Alignment Text Table Selection Draw Settings Page Extras Help

Visit the Powerbullet home pageHELP version 1.36




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